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The Superfood Goddess Recommendation & Discount Codes

I take pride in finding healthy, passionate, and conscious companies. I often connect with those behind the brand and their CEOs to get an idea of why they create their products. I know we need to all make money to live but, in my mind, money and greed should not be the driving force.

Some of these codes give me a slight commission and some are strictly just so that you may have a discount, because who doesn’t like a little discount??!

If you have any questions about these products or would like me to explain anything, please connect with me over email or Instagram at : [email protected]

IIN (Integrative Nutrition School)

Where I got one of my Health & Nutrition Coaching certifications. Not only is this an amazing school with abundant knowledge, you can either step into health coaching yourself and gather a lifelong skill of being more aware or nutrition, you & your loved ones health & wellness.
Use This link or use my full name (Stephanie Bosco) will get you a very large amount off, around $1k – $2k off

Daily Harvest

This plant based company ships mostly organic, vegan, gluten free, frozen items straight to your door. Items such as lattes, breakfast bowls, smoothies, soups, dinner harvest bowls, flat breads, plant based ice cream, and sweet bites.
Code: DHSTEPHIEB25 ( $25 off your first box )

Purium (For weight loss, cleansing, and overall total transformation in 30 days!)

CodeTHESUPERFOODGODDESS (For $50-$100 off your first order)
You will probably have some questions on what to order, flavors, and want to have a little more explained to you, please contact me and I can assist you in picking the right products).

Raw Cane Super Juice

Code: Stephie10 (for 10% off online or in store)
*I recommend getting the Detox Elixir, the Alkalizer, or lemon cane. I know 3-5 days can sound like a long time to go without eating, but Raw Cane Juice boasts 23 amino acids that aid in the building blocks of making protein in your body, plus the glowing and cleansing benefits of this cleanse, ARE INCREDIBLE. It’s very appropriately priced, and you can have it shipped to you or go into their Hollywood location.


This is one of my most favorite superfood, Vegan, Gluten free, and Conscious protein powder brands. I’ve met the owners and others behind the brand who not only care so much about the worlds health, they also have some of the best vibes I’ve ever experienced person to person.


This company makes eating raw super easy, nutritious, and filling!! You don’t have to be raw to eat their products either, you can add whatever you want in the wraps or on the pizzas. They are also paleo & GF!
Code: SFG15 ( for 15% off )

Your Super (Superfoods)

Code: SFGODDESS ( For 15% off)


This company has superfoods, function herbs, and adapt ovens like NO OTHER!! They take pride in what they do and I appreciate that.
( 10% off )


Awesome and YUMMY drinks with adaptogens and functional food additions to their lattes, protein drinks, and Elixirs.
Code: SUPERFOOD15 ( 15% off)


Caraway is a non-toxic chemical-free, pot and pan company
My link with them is: